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Welcome to our atheist themed blog, from the minds of AtheistCards.com! Here we’ll post our thoughts and rants periodically (how often is yet to be seen) as they pertain to religion and general lunacy. We invite any reader – religious and non alike – to join the discussion through the comments. Every comment will be posted as long as it’s relevant to the topic!

Thanks for stopping by and we’ll see you inside.

– Andy (Stout’s Spouts) and Mark (Mark’s Larks)

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Author Archives: Stout

Are we all forgetting Charlie Hebdo?

My brother-in-law, David McConkey, writes a regular article for a newspaper, the Brandon Sun. He is an active nonbeliever (atheist) and I truly admire and respect him. But his latest article (below) really bothers me, since it relates to the Charlie Hebdo incident. What bothers me is that the whole world appears to be entirely…Continue Reading

Are we Americans (Canada/USA) morally superior? (Yes!)

Are (North) Americans just as immoral as terrorists? Noam Chomsky bluntly states “the U.S. itself is a leading terrorist state.” And Chomsky has a persuasive argument to support this claim. At first glance, he appears to be right. Sam Harris disagrees with him, but concedes that our recent history does appear to support Chomsky’s condemnation of our…Continue Reading

Christianity VS ISIS: Which one is worse?

The following is from http://www.truthbeknown.com/victims.htm How many people have died in the name of Christ, Christianity and Catholicism? VICTIMS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH   “WONDERFUL EVENTS THAT TESTIFY TO GOD’S DIVINE GLORY” Listed are only events that solely occurred on command of church authorities or were committed in the name of Christianity. (List incomplete)  1) Ancient Pagans As soon as Christianity was legal…Continue Reading

“We’re not ALL like that!” say peaceful Muslims…

I’m tired of hearing that the majority of Muslims are peace-loving and that they are not like the radical Islamic terrorists. In true fact, the only difference between so-called peaceful Muslims and the radical Muslim terrorists, is that the violent actions of the radical Muslims are more sensationalistic and theatrical, and are waged against civilized people within civilized countries, not against Muslims within Muslim communities. But to be…Continue Reading

My parody of the Charlie Hebdo cover

Like many of us, I was anxious to see the first cover design by the surviving artists at Charlie Hebdo. Here it is… “All is Forgiven” is the main message! And a sobbing Muslim holds a sign saying “I am Charlie”. First of all, the cowardly slaughter of journalists and artists for expressing their point of view is…Continue Reading