Welcome to Our Atheist Blog

Welcome to our atheist themed blog, from the minds of AtheistCards.com! Here we’ll post our thoughts and rants periodically (how often is yet to be seen) as they pertain to religion and general lunacy. We invite any reader – religious and non alike – to join the discussion through the comments. Every comment will be posted as long as it’s relevant to the topic!

Thanks for stopping by and we’ll see you inside.

– Andy (Stout’s Spouts) and Mark (Mark’s Larks)

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Beautiful Mugs Every Atheist Should Own!

From left to right: Supernatural Selection; Fool-Aid; Smite Me!

Gulping coffee down from one of my atheist mugs is a highlight of any day. I wanted to show you some of my favorite mugs for atheists, all designed by the inimitable Andy, chief graphic artist at AtheistCards.com. Some I own, and I hope to receive more at future Christmases (isn’t that some irony)!

Mugs featured are from RedBubble: an on-demand print company based in Australia. They sell a variety of products from cards to mugs to throw pillows. Our art + their products = match made in heaven! We enjoy shopping at RB because products are well priced, ship quickly, and high quality.

*Note: each design is available in bunch of different mug styles – regular sized, tall, and travel. If you like a particular design, you can choose the mug style you want! You can view all of our designs


View ALL of our atheist designs, most of which are available on mugs!

The Best FREE WordPress Notification Bar

Having played with several free WordPress notification bars over the past week, by far my favorite is WPFront’s Notification Bar. I was looking for something that: Worked right out of the gate Allowed control of the basics, including link color Was free, but with no branding Looked good; sleek WPFront’s bar met all these criteria! Here it…Continue Reading

Celebrate Atheism EVERY Month with our 2016 “Smite Me” Atheist Calendar!

Starting last year, we’ve published a calendar featuring twelve of our favorite atheist artworks. It’s printed and sold buy RedBubble, and having ordered several last year, we can attest to the extraordinary print quality! Trust us, these things are heavy duty, with lovely glossy pages, and rich colors that POP! It’s the perfect product to…Continue Reading

A New Atheist Logo?

There’s a new attempt at designing the perfect atheist logo. So is it any good? You decide: Atheism is a hard thing to represent in a logo or symbol: the absence of supernatural belief. Probably the best known “atheist logo”, or symbol, is from American Atheists. But the designer who contacted me felt everything else fell short, and…Continue Reading

The Papal Cat

This is Boots. She is 20 years old, grey, and howls when she wants something. She’s also infallible. My uncle upon seeing the photo said “she really is CATolic!”. HA!Continue Reading

Are we all forgetting Charlie Hebdo?

My brother-in-law, David McConkey, writes a regular article for a newspaper, the Brandon Sun. He is an active nonbeliever (atheist) and I truly admire and respect him. But his latest article (below) really bothers me, since it relates to the Charlie Hebdo incident. What bothers me is that the whole world appears to be entirely…Continue Reading

Are we Americans (Canada/USA) morally superior? (Yes!)

Are (North) Americans just as immoral as terrorists? Noam Chomsky bluntly states “the U.S. itself is a leading terrorist state.” And Chomsky has a persuasive argument to support this claim. At first glance, he appears to be right. Sam Harris disagrees with him, but concedes that our recent history does appear to support Chomsky’s condemnation of our…Continue Reading

Christianity VS ISIS: Which one is worse?

The following is from http://www.truthbeknown.com/victims.htm How many people have died in the name of Christ, Christianity and Catholicism? VICTIMS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH   “WONDERFUL EVENTS THAT TESTIFY TO GOD’S DIVINE GLORY” Listed are only events that solely occurred on command of church authorities or were committed in the name of Christianity. (List incomplete)  1) Ancient Pagans As soon as Christianity was legal…Continue Reading

Anti ISIS T-Shirts

ISIS: a group of asshole thugs who enjoy murdering, raping, and torturing people. And it’s all sanctioned by their fake god! Yay! Easily the worst people currently on planet Earth (sorry Fox News). To show your hate-on for ISIS, maybe buy one of our anti-ISIS shirts (the designs are also available on mugs, pillows, and other…Continue Reading